- Concealer 1 shade lighter than your skin
- Foundation same shade as your skin.
Always test the colours in natural light ie sunlight.When choosing a foundation, should it be lighter or darker or the same colour as the concealer?
The concealer should definitely be lighter than your foundation! A great website to check out makeup is www://www.lthompson25.qhealthbeauty.com you can type ';makeup'; in the search box. They have great products and everything has a 180 day guarantee!!! So you can return it within 180 days if you dont like it, but you will! :)When choosing a foundation, should it be lighter or darker or the same colour as the concealer?
You shouldn't choose your foundation around your concealer. Your foundation should be the same color as your skin and look like you don't have anything on. The concealer should be a little lighter than your foundation.
Don't pick your foundation color around your concealer, but your actual skin. It should match your skin. Concealer is lighter than your skin color so it will brighten up dark circles.
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